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This user is asking to be unblocked to request a change in username.

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Requested username:

Please provide a new username. You may optionally provide a reason.
Change {{unblock}} to {{unblock | user=new username | reason=your reason here ~~~~}}

Administrators should consider discussing any unblock with the blocking administrator (see the blocking policy).

Administrator use only:

If you ask the blocking administrator to comment on this request, please replace this template with the following:

{{unblock-un on hold | 1=blocking administrator | 2=requested user name | 4=~~~~}}

If you accept the unblock request, replace this template with the following:

{{unblock-un reviewed | 1=requested user name | accept=Allowing username change to requested username. Please select an option from [[Wikipedia:Changing username]] and file a request as soon as possible to avoid re-blocking. ~~~~}}

If you decline the unblock request, replace this template with the following, replacing {{subst:Decline reason here}} with any specific rationale. If you do not edit the text after "decline=", a default reason why the request was declined will be inserted.

{{unblock-un reviewed | 1=requested user name | decline={{subst:Decline reason here}} ~~~~}}




CoMmItTeD IdEnTiTy


Template:COmMiTtEd iDeNtItY Template:COmMiTtEd iDeNtItY



pLeAsE LeAvE MeSsAgEs aNd dIsCuSsIoNs oN My dIsCuSsIoN PaGe. tHaNkS!

100pX ThE BaRnStAr oF DiLiGeNcE
yAmLa, FoR YoUr tIrElEsS AnD CoUrTeOuS AsSiStAnCe aT UnBlOcK-En-l, I HeReBy aWaRd yOu tHiS bArNsTaR Of dIlIgEnCe. WeAr iT WiTh pRiDe. DiNo 19:41, 25 jAnUaRy 2007 (uTc)




ReAl uSeR PaGe. i tRy tO

ReVeRt vAnDaLiSm aNd iNsIsT ThAt pEoPlE CiTe

tHeIr fIgUrEs. iF YoU FeEl i aM BiTiNg tHe

nEwBiEs (Or i aM CoMiNg dOwN ToO HaRd oN YoU), PlEaSe jUsT

MeNtIoN It. sOmEtImEs iT CaN Be hArD To tElL ExAcTlY WhAt i mEaN WiThOuT SeEiNg mY FaCiAl eXpReSsIoNs. i aSsUrE YoU I DoN'T MeAn aNy hArM.



i wAs nOmInAtEd fOr aDmInShIp aNd tHe vOtE PaSsEd! i sHoUlD PrObAbLy LiNk tO ThE ApPrOpRiAtE PaGe hErE.



iF YoU HaVe hAd aNy sIgNiFiCaNt iNtErAcTiOnS WiTh mE AnD ArE RuNnInG FoR AdMiNsHiP Or oThEr sUcH PoSiTiOn, PlEaSe nOtIfY Me. i dO NoT MoNiToR ThOsE ArEaS Of wIkIpEdIa bUt i dO LiKe oFfErInG My oPiNiOn wHeN It cOmEs tO SoMeOnE WiTh wHoM I'Ve hAd pRiOr iNtErAcTiOnS. I WiLl nOt gUaRaNtEe a pOsItIvE VoTe, Of cOuRsE, bUt i aM A VeRy fOrGiViNg pErSoN. --yAmLa 20:42, 11 DeCeMbEr 2006 (uTc)

fAmOuS PeOpLe


i hAvE ReCeIvEd pErSoNaL EmAiL FrOm tHe fOlLoWiNg fAmOuS PeOpLe, In cHrOnOlOgIcAl oRdEr:



mY AwArDs cAn bE ViEwEd hErE. ThAnKs, EvErYoNe! --YaMlA 00:02, 15 nOvEmBeR 2006 (UtC)


To oThEr aDmInS


i pAtRoL UnBlOcK-En-l aNd tHe uNbLoCk cAtEgOrY. If yOu cOmE AcRoSs a bLoCk pLaCeD By a tHiRd aDmIn wHiCh i hAvE AlReAdY DeClInEd bUt wHiCh yOu fEeL ShOuLd bE LiFtEd, PlEaSe dO NoT FeEl cOnStRaInEd aGaInSt lIfTiNg tHe uNbLoCk oN My aCcOuNt. i mAy bE MoRe cOnSeRvAtIvE At uNbLoCkInG ThAn yOu aRe. i wOuLd nOt cOnSiDeR ThIs wHeEl-wArRiNg.

iF YoU CoMe aCrOsS A BlOcK I PlAcEd dIrEcTlY AnD BeLiEvE It aPpRoPrIaTe tO LiFt tHe bLoCk, I WoUlD AsK YoU To fIrSt lOoK To sEe wHy i pLaCeD ThE BlOcK. If yOu hAvE SpEcIfIc rEaSoN To bElIeVe tHe uSeR WiLl nO LoNgEr cOmMiT ThE SaMe pRoBlEm eDiTs, PlEaSe fEeL FrEe tO LiFt tHe bLoCk wItHoUt cOnSuLtInG Me. tHiS ReQuIrEs sPeCiFiC EvIdEnCe tHe uSeR WiLl nO LoNgEr vIoLaTe pOlIcY, hOwEvEr. fOr eXaMpLe, A UsEr wHo hAs bEeN BlOcKeD FoR CoNtInUiNg tO UpLoAd iMaGeS WiThOuT PrOvIdInG A DeTaIlEd fAiR-UsE RaTiOnAlE ShOuLd aGrEe tHaT ThEsE ArE ReQuIrEd, ShOuLd pRoViDe a sAmPlE RaTiOnAlE On tHe uSeR TaLk pAgE ThAt aDhErEs tO HeLp:iMaGe dEsCrIpTiOn pAgE, aNd sHoUlD AgReE To pRoViDe rAtIoNaLeS FoR AlL ImAgEs uPlOaDeD In tHe fUtUrE. If tHe uSeR HaS NoT PrOvIdEd sUcH EvIdEnCe, I WoUlD AsK To bE CoNsUlTeD BeFoRe aN UnBlOcK As iS GeNeRaLlY ReQuEsTeD. --yAmLa 20:55, 9 fEbRuArY 2007 (UtC)

NoNe oF ThE AbOvE ApPlIeS To cHeCkUsEr-bLoCkS. iF I NoTe tHaT A BlOcK Is bAsEd oN ChEcKuSeR EvIdEnCe, ThAt mEaNs tHeRe's aDdItIoNaL TeChNiCaL EvIdEnCe oF WrOnGdOiNg, EvIdEnCe wHiCh cAnNoT Be sHaReD PuBlIcLy. If yOu dIsAgReE WiTh oNe oF ThOsE BlOcKs, PlEaSe cOnTaCt mE Or aNy oThEr cHeCkUsEr. --yAmLa (TaLk) 10:02, 16 OcToBeR 2020 (UtC)

To cHeCkUsErS


tO ThE MaXiMuM ExTeNt pErMiTtEd, I AlLoW YoU To pErFoRm cHeCkUsEr vAlIdAtIoNs aGaInSt mY AcCoUnT. yOu dO NoT NeEd tO NoTiFy mE YoU HaVe rUn tHeSe cHeCkS. i dO NoT CoNsIdEr tHiS A ViOlAtIoN Of mY PrIvAcY, bUt nOtE YoUr cHeCkUsEr pOlIcY MaY ReStRiCt yOu fRoM TaKiNg aDvAnTaGe oF ThIs oFfEr. I Am aWaRe oF ThE SoRt oF ThInGs cHeCkUsEr aCcEsS WoUlD ReVeAl, As i wOrK In tHe fIeLd oF CoMpUtEr sEcUrItY. i dO NoT UsE OtHeR AcCoUnTs aNd dO NoT DeLiBeRaTeLy eDiT AnOnYmOuSlY, tHoUgH PoSsIbLy aS MuCh aS 0.5% oF My eDiTs mAy hAvE BeEn mAdE WhIlE SiGnEd oUt.

aNtI-VaNdAlIsM AwArD

100Px tHe rIcKk aNtI-VaNdAlIsM BaRnStAr
DeAr yAmLa, FoR YoUr aNtI-VaNdAlIsM EfFoRtS, i hErEbY AwArD YoU ThIs aNtI-VaNdAlIsM BaRnStAr. ThAnKs fOr mAkInG WiKiPeDiA A SaFeR PlAcE, yOuR EfFoRtS ArE GrEaTlY ApPeCiAtEd.cYrIl tHoMaS 13:29, 24 MaRcH 2007 (UtC)

a bArNsTaR, yOu dEsErVe

100Px tHe dEfEnDeR Of tHe wIkI BaRnStAr
FoR YoUr eFfOrTs iN PrOtEcTiNg aNd uPhOlDiNg tHe vAlUeS WiKiPeDiA RePrEsEnTs. aLtRuIsMt a l k - CoNtRiBs. 11:50, 7 sEpTeMbEr 2007 (uTc)



yOu mAy cOnTaCt mE ThRoUgH EmAiL By cLiCkInG On tHe "E-MaIl tHiS UsEr" BuTtOn iN ThE ToOlBoX On tHe lEfT Of yOuR BrOwSeR. By dEfAuLt, I AsSuMe tHaT AnY MeSsAgE SeNt tHeRe mAy bE ShArEd wItH AdMiNs i tRuSt, ThOuGh tHiS Is aLmOsT NeVeR NeCeSsArY. If yOu wIsH Me tO KeEp tHe eMaIl sTrIcTlY CoNfIdEnTiAl, PlEaSe lEt mE KnOw. DuE To oNgOiNg dEaTh tHrEaTs, I WiLl gEnErAlLy oNlY ReSpOnD To eMaIl fRoM OtHeR AdMiNiStRaToRs.

VaLuEd cOnTrIbUtOr aWaRd

100pX VaLuEd cOnTrIbUtOr aWaRd 90Px
YoU HaVe bEeN IdEnTiFiEd aS A VaLuEd cOnTrIbUtOr aNd yOuR EfFoRtS ArE ApPrEcIaTeD. wE ArE HoNoReD To pReSeNt yOu wItH ThE vAlUeD CoNtRiBuToR AwArD aNd wE ThAnK YoU FoR DoNaTiNg yOuR TiMe, ExPeRtIsE AnD EfFoRt tO WiKiPeDiA. kEeP Up tHe gOoD WoRk. ThAnKs. (MoRe dEtAiLs)

ViSiOnCuRvETiMeNdI CaUsA EsT NeScIrE 04:23, 3 AuGuSt 2021 (uTc)
